I’m nervous and I don’t know what to expect. What does starting therapy with you look like?

  1. First, you will contact me via email or the contact form linked here to let me know that you’re interested.

  2. We will set up a 15-minute free virtual consultation call so I can learn more about your needs and you can learn more about what it would feel like to work with me.

  3. We schedule your intake appointment.

  4. I will send you the necessary intake paperwork and a few assessments. This usually takes clients 30 minutes - 1 hour to complete, and it must be completed at least 1 day before our appointment so I have some time to review it.

  5. You show up to your first appointment. We settle in, then we begin discussing the information you provided in the paperwork and any assessments that you completed. This first session is known as the “diagnostic assessment,” so we will also discuss any relevant mental health diagnoses.

  6. We continue meeting for the duration of your treatment.

What does “pre-licensed” mean?

This means that I completed my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree, but I have not completed my required hours of experience for licensure or passed the national licensing exam. Licensure typically takes 3+ years beyond completing a master’s degree, and I completed my degree in 2024. While I am pre-licensed, I must work under the supervision of a board-certified supervisor. I have two stellar supervisors - Tanya Brown and Madelyn Steen.

Is your office accessible?

The Vibrant Life office in Uptown has a shared parking lot behind the building that is available to clients. The office is equipped with two gender-neutral private restrooms. However, the office is in a very old building, so there are several sets of stairs required to access my office.

Do you offer sex therapy?

I am not an AASECT-certified sex therapist, and I do not offer sex therapy. However, due to my expertise in working with sexual minorities, much of the work that we might engage with in your therapy will involve sex and its many complexities, and that work is well within my scope of practice.

Are you a HAES (Health at Every Size) therapist?

You betcha. Learn more about HAES here!

Sitting and talking about my feelings sounds so hard and boring. Can we do something else?

Sure can. My office is located two blocks from Bde Maka Ska, so we can take a stroll around the lake, stretch in the grass, or hang on the swing set if that’s your vibe. Or we can play cards, paint, or craft. We’re here for you — and if your brain and body need a different type of engagement for this work to feel valuable for you, that’s what we’re gonna do.

More Questions?

Get in touch and I’d be happy to answer whatever questions you’ve got.